
CONNECTIONS: SCREENINGS - wöchentliche Filmreihe

performance’s video, 25′
various languages with English Subtitles, 2019
performance’s video, 12′
German with English Subtitles, 2019

in·ter is an ongoing cooperation project between DIE KOMPANIE and performers from Berlin, Antananarivo and Novosibirsk during the time of the Corona pandemic. The performers engage with this time as an in-between space: between time out and transition time, between isolation and virtual proximity, between anxiety and pause. Spatial separation of the performers is suspended by digital interaction of images and experiences, connections are drawn anew.

The prefix re- expresses in formations with verbs that something is reversed, returned to the initial state, or caused anew. This video collage does none of those. It connects intention with memory, interior with public space, moving bodies with transitory light. “I think that is also connected with the question of time. Time a week ago was a luxury, having time for the things you want to do was a luxury. Now I have time for the things I don’t have time for.” [Marwa Almokbel, Berlin]
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