CONNECTIONS:SCREENINGS - wöchentliche Filmreihe

White Torture – Underground Poetry
Performance’s Documentary, 36’33”
Authors: Zoltan Kunckel & Lorent Saleh
Europe 2019
In 2014, Lorent Saleh was arrested after being illegally extradited from Colombia. He spent four years, two months and seven days in prison, from which he spent more than two years in isolation in “La Tumba” (The Tomb), the Venezuelan secret service prison, five floors underground in Caracas. In his white cell, exposed to a white light 24/7, in loneliness and a complete silence, he would lose awareness of time and space. White torture is a sinister type of psychological abuse, leaving no traces of blood, but destroying the minds and souls of the prisoners.
White Torture – Underground Poetry: takes us into the intimate soliloquy of a political prisoner in isolation who faces his invisible torturers. Through videos, sounds and Lorent ́s poetry that he wrote during his confinement, it lets us experience the suffering of political prisoners all around the world.
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