Hybrid Futures
The Hybrid Plattform and Futurium are inviting the public to another “Hybrid Futures” event, where artists and scientists come together to talk about past and present visions of the future that have inspired their work.
In the second edition of the series the author and theatre director Helgard Haug will speculate together with the architects and urban developers Philipp Misselwitz and Moritz Ahlert about the futures of cities and how art, urban development and architecture converge and complement each other in urban spaces. Haug is a member of the artistic label Rimini Protokoll, which uses the city as the stage set for their dramatic works. Misselwitz is director of the Habitat Unit, a department that specializes in Urbanism and Design at the Technische Universität Berlin. He examines the interplay between flight, migration and urban development. Moritz Ahlert is a research fellow at the Habitat Unit and is especially interested in participative urban development, smart cities and digital map applications.