
RA Walden: Science Fiction is Not Pretend

8.3.2022, 19:00 / HAU4 / Premiere

English / With German translation / German audio description / German Sign Language

Slow days, sick days, fog and forgetting. Disobedient bodies, archives, clocks and flows of capital. The fragility of the body is the focus of RA Walden's queer, disabled and transdisciplinary practice.

The Berlin artist radically criticises normative ideas about bodies and capacity in an ever-productive capitalist society. Their works always combine social engagement and artistic research

Alongside their video work, RA Walden presents an accompanying interactive website on HAU4, commissioned by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, and made in collaboration with artist Cooper Lovano. This digital environment welcomes visitors to discover references to “Science Fiction Is Not Pretend” on their own. Notes, images and sounds created in the moments between waking and sleeping. “Who is living inside you?” asks the voice in the video, with despair in one hand, the remote control in the other.

To overview