
SHOXXXBOXXX LIVE DREAM #14: Ann Weller + Dogga & Spuggles

100% DIY live streaming project from Berlin!


- LIVE! Ann Weller (Ann & Bones)
As a kid, Ann Weller loved to set fairy tales to music on the piano. Today the berlin-based singer of the band Ann & Bones is writing film scores and songs that turn the melancholic vibe of the metropole into dark and mysterious music.

- LIVE and more! Dogga & Spuggles
from the world's one and only puppet rap band Puppetmastaz!!!

- The long thin green one - on the road!

- Virtual DIY workshop by Johannes Marx (musician, innovator) “making a keyboard trainer”

and more!!

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Please support us via PayPal. Vielen Dank! Thanks a lot!

SHOXXXBOXXX LIVE DREAM is created by Johannes Marx (Pitchtuner, Marx) & SHOXXX

To overview