
die einen, die anderen

the cie. toula limnaios created with the cia. gira dança in brazil and berlin »the ones, the others«. an extraordinary encounter with people with and without disabilities, a lived utopia. against any prejudice, the work impresses with its unique aesthetics, humanity and passion. a surreal diptych of people, moments and places - on stage and in video - timeless and of extreme presence - a picture-rich suction between imagination and reality.

»the visible and invisible, the beautiful and the grotesque form an intimate connection. it is an artistic encounter at eye level, which makes the evening so delightful. in the end there were standing ovations« tagesspiegel/ luzina

concept/choreography toula limnaios music ralf r. ollertz
dance/creation cie. toula limnaios: daniel afonso, daeho lee, leonardo d’aquino, priscilla fiuza, katja scholz, hironori sugata, karolina wyrwal / cia. gira dança: marconi araújo, alvaro dantas, thaise galvão, iego josé , wilson macário, jania santos, joselma soares video giacomo corvaia lightdesign felix grimm chor. assistance ute pliestermann space/ costumes antonia limnaios/toula limnaios

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