
Weekly Stream: Disruptive Fridays #1

Disruption Network Lab is launching a new programme stream - DISRUPTIVE FRIDAYS, live every Friday at 5pm Berlin time. The first conversation will involve Marc Garrett (Furtherfield), Cassie Thornton (Feminist Economics Department), Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin) and Tatiana Bazzichelli (Disruption Network Lab).

We will share ideas for creative solutions and resistance to the isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. What are our strategies to keep working with art and culture when our contexts of sharing are so limited? What can we learn from this situation to generate new forms of collective care?

In the past years we have invited people that disrupt and challenge closed systems from within. In a moment in which we are all experiencing a deep closure, Disruptive Fridays becomes an opportunity to foster even more critical thinking. During these conversations we will address topics related to art, hacktivism, whistleblowing, social justice and collective care in times of corona.

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